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Using MapMan


11-2-18 下午1:36
I would like to know how I can visualize my metabolome datas on Hvu_Affy. I have no problems with the transcriptomic data.
Utilizing the Arabidopsis probe sets and metabolomic datas I can see all results together on Ath_Affy_Ath1_TAIR8.
why not in barley?
thank you


I have already made this question!!!

RE: metabolome
11-2-18 下午2:21 回复cristina crosatti。
Dear crsitina,

I supplied the Hvu_affy mapping file available via the MapManStore with the metabolite mapping data
(now it's version 1.1). Please obtain the updated file from there and use it to visualize your combined
data sets. In case you encounter problems or have further suggestion please do not hesitate to ask.

Sorry for the inconvenience and best greetings,