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Installing Pageman java problem

Installing Pageman java problem
java problem dll files exe installer error message pagemen
12-10-7 上午6:12
I'm trying to install Pagemen on my PC running Windows 7 (64bit). When I download and run the .exe installer (PageManInWin_012.exe) I keep getting an error message saying

"Can't launch executable. Could not load jvm.dll.
Try re-installing the Java VM or change the Java VM used by the application"

I'm running the latest java (java7) installed in both 32 bit and 64 bit and the jvm.dll files are present in the jre directories.

Any help would be much appreciated as I do want to use this program!
(I've also trying installing the Pageman 0.12 Mac version on my Mac running MacOS X10.7.4 and I also get an error message saying "this application is no longer supported"

Please help!

Thank you

RE: Installing Pageman java problem
12-10-7 下午12:14 回复Estelle Giraud。
Sorry for the inconvenience.

We have included PageMan into MapMan, so you could just install MapMan and on a data track right (apple) click and choose show in PageMan.

We will look into fixing the PageMan installer.

Best Wishes,