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Request to create a new mapping file for Yam

Hi Marc Lohse,

Can you please create a mapping file for Yam crop. I have the sequences from 3 genotypes as 3 separate fasta files with total 44, 254 sequences. Can I send you the data as 3 email attachments.


RE: Request to create a new mapping file for Yam
10-9-30 上午8:48 回复Kameswara Rao Kottapalli。

Marc is away fora while, you may send your sequences to mapman.
I will start to run them on Mercator when there is processing time available.


RE: Request to create a new mapping file for Yam
10-9-30 下午4:32 回复Axel Nagel。
Hi Axel,

Thank you for your mail and willingness to help us.

I have sent 3 emails with the fasta files as attachments. Please let me know if you need any other information.


RE: Request to create a new mapping file for Yam
10-10-7 下午4:25 回复Axel Nagel。
Hi Axel,

This is Rao.

Can you please let me know the status of the Yam mapping. Did you receive all the fasta files?


RE: Request to create a new mapping file for Yam
10-10-14 下午10:45 回复Kameswara Rao Kottapalli。
Dear Rao,

due to system problems I have not been able to complete your job.
I will try to rerun it next week.
I'll try to keep you posted.

have a nice day

RE: Request to create a new mapping file for Yam
10-10-20 下午4:22 回复Axel Nagel。
Dear Axel,

Thanks for the update.

I will wait for the mapping file.


RE: Request to create a new mapping file for Yam
10-10-25 上午8:30 回复Kameswara Rao Kottapalli。
You mapping run has finished.
I will send you the results by email.
