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MapMan Features

Sort for Experiments and Pathways. Reload option.

Hi all,

Would it be possible to allow the user to sort the Experiments and Pathways in various ways. I think an alphanumerical sort should be enough, but there may also be uses for a chronological sort or even a drag and drop.

The mappings could also benefit from this.

Also, can we have an option to reload an Experiment, Pathway or Mapping after we change it instead of having to drop it and create a new one (or restart the program).


Re: Sort for Experiments and Pathways. Reload opti
05-4-22 上午10:04 回复Liam Childs。

we are currently working on an advanced data loading and configuration interface. Within the developmental version you can already reconfigure a data file (specify it's format, header,data columns, number format(decimal comma, decimal point...)) which will also trigger a reload of the data within the tool. It's about two clicks to reload.
For pathways and mappings we haven't thought of reload. We will have to investigate how much work that would be.
We also investigate the option of migrating the whole graphical user interface to use a rich client platform where would have drag and drop and more other features available, but that will be 3rd or 4th quater 2005.
We are already implementing sub folders for experiments, mappings and pathways. That already works for the experiments and will be incorporated for the pathways and mapping files as well.
The new version should be tested and stable in end of may.

thanks for your input

Re: Sort for Experiments and Pathways. Reload opti
05-6-9 下午1:54 回复Liam Childs。
Reloading has been incorporated in Version 1.6.0 from 08.06.2005