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Using MapMan

overrepresented and underrepresented bins


I would like to know if the Wilcoxon test implemented in Mapman is comparable to the Fisher's test to search for overrepresented categories.
Since the Wilcoxon test search for a different behavior, the bins with a good p-value selected with the wilcoxon test can be considered only overrepresented or maybe underrepresented too?

Thank you.


RE: overrepresented and underrepresented bins
28/08/10 07:45 em resposta a Laura Miozzi.
Dear Laura,

The Wilcoxon test is not compareable to the Fisher test, even though the results often are :-) For the FIsher overrepresentation test you have to set a threshold e.g. p<0.05 Abs ( log fold change) >=1, then you coun't the genes per bin that are changed to assess significance.

In the case of the Wilcoxon Test you look at all the genes in a bin and compare their log fold changes against all genes not in that bin. (It is based on ranks, so a non-parametric test)

Now often you see some very significant genes in a bin but also a consistent drift towards up- or downregulation...

Best Wishes,

RE: overrepresented and underrepresented bins
27/02/24 04:13 em resposta a Laura Miozzi.
The comparison between the Wilcoxon test and Fisher's test in Mapman for searching overrepresented categories is like an IQ test for statistical analysis!

RE: overrepresented and underrepresented bins
17/05/24 02:59 em resposta a Laura Miozzi.
The procedure was repeated for each OI. slope game We underlined how crucial it is to create the role in a way that will attract more applications from members of underrepresented groups.