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General array import problems

General array import problems
robin use for nimblegen arrays
13/03/13 17:48
Dear all.
I'm trying to import a general tabular format from my hybridization done using a set of Nimblegene arrays
The format that i can extract from the features extraction program (DEVA) it's a tabular .pair but i suspect that RobiNA is not importing because:
a) I cannot perform any quality checking (if i Select any of the analysis then i simply cannot acces to the group selection window)
b) If I skip the quality part and go directly to the group selection RobiNA will just freeze as soon as I go forward

has someone already experience general array import that can help me to clarify this issue?
Does the header of my tabular formatted file need to have some specific fields?

I did not fin any specific tutorial or information about that?

Thanks in advance

Best to all


RE: General array import problems
10/04/13 16:08 em resposta a marco p.
Dear Marco,

unfortunately, Nimblegen array data analysis is currently not implemented in RobiNA and
will probably (due to time contraints) not be included in the near future - sorry about that and

best greetings,