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problem with uploading Zea may mapping file into Mapman 3.5beta

1. I recently update to 3.5 beta version but my data files and mapping files that were in the previous version did appear in the new version.
2. When I tried to import the Zea may mapping file (Zm_B73_5b_FGS.cds_2011.txt) into the Mapman 3.5 beta I get an error message on problem with data configuration. The error message says "One data column should be selected at least". What does that mean? emoticon

RE: problem with uploading Zea may mapping file into Mapman 3.5beta
11/07/12 13:59 em resposta a thomas keat teoh.

as far as I know, this message should only pop up if you are loading a data file.
This usually trigger loading the mapping file as well.
So the error(misconfiguration) is in the configuration of the data file.

Just right click on the data file and choose something like "configure data" to set if the files contains headers or in which column the data resides

hope that helps