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mercator job directory

mercator job directory
10:14 11/02/14
Dear all,
during the last working week I've tried to submit my fasta file to mercator, but it didn't works for different reasons. For the first three submissions the message "your job has been quequed" lasted for 24-36 hours without any result. I've then check my fasta file for errors and I've found two identical sequences that I've removed before to retry my submission. Jesterday and today the error message has changed to "Internal error creating job directory". The fasta file submitted contained 543 DNA sequences (contigs derived from an RNA seq experiment) composed by 1.091.500 characters and 18.843 lines.
Please, could anybody help me to understand what are the possible errors I've made in my submission ?
Thank you very much,
Titti Moliterni

RE: mercator job directory
10:39 11/02/14 כתגובה ל-titti moliterni
Hi Titti,

we are sorry for the inconvenience - last week several malconfigured jobs had clogged up the
mercator queue and led to long delays for other jobs. We are working on this problem now
and hope to get it completely solved soon. When submitting, please make sure that the input
is FASTA compliant plain text files that contain unique identifiers in the FASTA header lines and
do not contain any ambiguous nucleotide calls (e.g. R, Y etc) or, in case of protein data, 'X'

Best greetings,