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rice mapping

rice mapping
13:52 28/04/13
I tried TIGR LOC_ number and MSU v 7.0 to analyze my data, however, It always suggest me to correct my mapping, what kind of data fomat should it require indeed?

RE: rice mapping
09:14 29/04/13 כתגובה ל-he d l
Hi he d l,

i had a quick look at your data file - the general format is perfect. The problem, however,
is that your identifiers are just the locus numbers (loc_osXXgXXXXX) while the MSU v7
mapping uses the splicing isoform IDs that have a ".X" extension denoting the number of
the isoform. If you complete the IDs you are using with the splicing isoform numbers, the
MSU v7 mapping will work for you. If you don't know the isoform number you could also
simply add a ".1" to each ID. That might not be the most accurate approach, but if you
don't know which isoform the measurement originated from you probably can't be more

I hope this helps,

RE: rice mapping
13:33 01/05/13 כתגובה ל-he d l
hi I am using my affymetrix rice chip data and I find most of the genes only falling in the bin 35 unidentified things. Is it that the mapping is not complete with the recent release of the genome annotations?