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Can we have access to the readable mapping file

Hi, I wanted to know if you can provide a readable mapping file. Because their is no way to get a list of up/down regulated genes in a particular category!! I want to make a list of interesting genes based on your classification. There is no way to do it other than painfully seeing each gene by 'mouse-over'.


Re: Can we have access to the readable mapping fil
09:43 19/01/05 כתגובה ל-Dear spmane

yes access is possible, you can get it by droping me a line at xxxx@mpimp-golm.mpg.de (nospam: replace xxxx by usadel).

In general anyone can get the unencrypted version if they agree to send us improvements or suggestions back. (See conditions described in the paper Thimm et al. 2004 Plant J.)

Kind regards,