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Working with non-sequenced plant

Working with non-sequenced plant
2009.09.22. 9:42
Hi all,
I'm working in a transcriptomics analysis of a plant with no genome sequence available. Could I ask you for your mapping files for Arabidopsis, Poplar and Vitis in a text format.

I would greatly appreciate your help with this.

Re: Working with non-sequenced plant
2009.09.28. 14:18 válaszként erre: Dear nova.
Hi nova,

i can send you the requested mappings in text format if you tell me an email adresss to send them to. Alternatively i could suggest that you use our automatic classification tool mercator that can assign MapMan bins to unknown genes based on their nucleotide sequence. There is a webpage via which you can submit a small amount (up to 1000000 bp) of sequence data - if you have more do not hesitate to contact me. I can start larger classifacation jobs manually.


Best greetings,