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Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals DP-900 Exam Preparation Guides

If you are interested in learning about data and how to work with it using Microsoft Azure services, you might want to consider taking the Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals DP-900 exam. This exam is designed to test your knowledge of core data concepts and related Microsoft Azure data services.

What is the Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals DP-900 exam?

The Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals DP-900 exam is one of the entry-level certifications offered by Microsoft for those who want to demonstrate their understanding of data in the cloud. The exam does not require any prior experience with Azure or data, but it is recommended that you have some familiarity with the concepts of relational and non-relational data, and different types of data workloads, such as transactional or analytical.

The exam consists of 40-60 multiple-choice questions that you need to answer within 60 minutes. The passing score is 700 out of 1000. The exam is available in English, Japanese, Chinese (Simplified), Korean, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Indonesian (Indonesia), Arabic (Saudi Arabia), Chinese (Traditional), and Italian.

The exam costs $99 USD in most regions, but you can check the exact price for your location on the Microsoft website. You can take the exam online or at a testing center near you.

What topics does the DP-900 exam cover?

The exam covers four main domains:

- Describe core data concepts (15-20%)
- Describe how to work with relational data on Azure (25-30%)
- Describe how to work with non-relational data on Azure (25-30%)
- Describe an analytics workload on Azure (25-30%)

Each domain has several subtopics that you need to study in detail. You can find the full list of subtopics and their weight on the official exam page.

Some of the topics that you need to know include:

- Data types and structures
- Data lifecycle and governance
- Data storage options and scalability
- Data security and privacy
- Data processing and transformation
- Data visualization and reporting
- Azure SQL Database and Azure Synapse Analytics
- Cosmos DB and Azure Table Storage
- Azure Blob Storage and Azure Data Lake Storage
- Azure Stream Analytics and Azure Databricks
- Azure HDInsight and Azure Synapse Analytics
- Power BI and Azure Analysis Services

Why should you take this DP-900 exam?

There are several reasons why you might want to take this exam:

- You want to validate your foundational knowledge of core data concepts and related Microsoft Azure data services.
- You want to prepare for other Azure role-based certifications, such as Azure Database Administrator Associate or Azure Data Engineer Associate.
- You want to enhance your resume and showcase your skills to potential employers or clients.
- You want to learn more about data and how to work with it using Microsoft Azure services.

How can you prepare for this DP-900 exam?

There are several resources that you can use to prepare for this exam:

- Microsoft Learn: This is a free online platform that offers self-paced modules and learning paths on various topics related to data and Azure. You can follow the learning path for DP-900 exam preparation here.
- Microsoft Docs: This is the official documentation site for Microsoft products and services. You can find detailed information and examples on how to use different Azure data services here.
- Microsoft Virtual Training Days: These are free online events that offer instructor-led sessions on various topics related to data and Azure. You can register for an upcoming event here.
- Microsoft Learning Partners: These are authorized training providers that offer instructor-led courses on various topics related to data and Azure. You can find a partner near you here.
- Practice Tests: These are mock exams that simulate the real exam experience and help you assess your readiness. You can find a free practice test here.

The Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals DP-900 exam is a great way to start your journey with data in the cloud. It covers the core data concepts and related Microsoft Azure data services that you need to know. By taking this exam, you can demonstrate your knowledge, prepare for other certifications, enhance your resume, and learn more about data and Azure.
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