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Oryza Sativa MapMan Mapping Error

Oryza Sativa MapMan Mapping Error
16/07/23 15:07

I have transcriptomic data Oryza sativa with their locus ID and gene id. I am trying to build metabolic overview using MapMan. But getting error as mapping doesn't match or null data error.

Although I have also downloaded the mapping for Oryza sativa indica and successfully loaded to tool, but still getting error.
In further lookup, I found that the mapping which i have downloaded from https://mapman.gabipd.org have identifier as TFID (bgiosga039142).

Is it possible to have identifier in the form of locus ID? or how can in convert my locus ID to TF ID?
or you can help me out in any way to resolve this error and have a successful metabolic overview with my data.