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Using MapMan

Tomato EUTOM3 annotation

Tomato EUTOM3 annotation
tomato annotation
16/08/12 23:10
Hi, is it possible to use Solyc IDs as identifier in MapMan ? If not what is the best way to translate data from the EUTOM3 microarray into something usable with Mapman ?

thank you


RE: Tomato EUTOM3 annotation
24/08/12 15:13 en respuesta a Catherine Martel.
Dear C,

i presume that you mean ITAG2.3 identifiers because they start with "Solyc" - if that is true,
you can use the "Slyc_ITAG2.3" mapping available in the MapManStore to analyse your data.

You can obtain this mapping directly from within the MapMan application by clicking
Mapping->new->download and the choosing the Slyc_ITAG2.3 mapping from the list.

Best greetings,