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Identifier for rice gene

Identifier for rice gene
19/02/09 7:15
I'm in making familiar with MapMan and I have this "seems to be stupid" question that I'm doing with rice and I don't know which kind of identifer I should use for my experiment data. I've tried with TIGR's LOC_Os IDs, RAB-DB's Os IDs and KOME's AK/AB/AF IDs but everytime I loaded the data, they didn't fit to the mapping. So I wanted to know the identifier used in the mapping but I couldn't find how to do so.
Anybody can help me? Thanks in advance!

RE: Identifier for rice gene
13/08/12 7:39 en respuesta a Dear tinyfish.
I have the same problem. Have you figured it out?
How to name the identifier?

RE: Identifier for rice gene
13/08/12 10:02 en respuesta a Dear tinyfish.

I don't know which mapping you like to use. Every mapping can be opened in MapMan by right click menu -> open.
There is a tree like view of the strucutre where you can expand the leaves to see the identifiers. I'm out of office know, so I can't do anything now.
If this doesn't help I can check which rice mappings we have and what locus ids are supports. But I guess we have at least TIGR locus Ids.

RE: Identifier for rice gene
23/08/12 11:56 en respuesta a Axel Nagel.
Which of the rice mappings are you using from mapman? MSU v7, OsAffy or the rice japonica?


MSU v7 = loc_os03gNUMBER
Affy = osaffx.NUMBER.s1_x_at
rice japonica = osaj_nuc_loc_os03gNUMBER

The identifiers should just include the MSU id, nothing more!

I hope i could help you.

Greetings Julian