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Using MapMan

Mapping for metabolite download

Mapping for metabolite download
13-4-4 上午5:18
Hi, I need to use mapman to map my metabolome data. I have downloaded a mappling for metabolites that is for arabidopsis from your page but it does not work. Can you help me with that?
Thank you in advance.

RE: Mapping for metabolite download
13-4-4 上午10:58 回复Mariana Sotelo Sotelo。
Very often it is the name of the metabolites that causes a problem.....
It ihas to be strictly the same name as being used by mapman

Best Wishes

RE: Mapping for metabolite download
13-4-4 下午6:03 回复Björn Usadel。
Does mapman uses IDs? In case it uses IDs from which databaes they are?

RE: Mapping for metabolite download
13-4-10 下午4:15 回复Mariana Sotelo Sotelo。

you can obtain the current metabolite mapping file that MapMan uses from the
MapManStore repository http://mapman.gabipd.org/web/guest/mapmanstore (MappingMetabolites.m02)

The file is downloadable as an Excel table that you can open and inspect - the
first column contains the names of all metabolites that are "known" to MapMan -
the names you use in your data file have to match these in order to be usable by

I hope this helps -