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how to analyze the raw data of two-color microarray experiments by Robin

hi, Dear maintainers of Mapman

I want to analyze some raw data of two-color microarray experiments (its GEO ID is GSE14240). However I was trapped, because some parameters need to be set in Robin, such as file format, required columns, chip layout. Can you teach me how to set the parameters? I have read the Robin users guide, but I still can not figure out. Thanks!


RE: how to analyze the raw data of two-color microarray experiments by Robi
14/05/10 14:03 em resposta a Sheng Deng.
Dear Sheng,

thanks for your interest in using Robin. Concerning your question the answer would be: Information
like the chip layout are ideally available via the platform description page on GEO. In your case the
platform used is described within GEO - just click on the "related platform" link on the page describing
the experiment you're trying to analyse. You'll end up here:
and all the info about the chip laylout is given. Choosing the right data columns is depending on the file
format. I cannot answer this globally as different file formats might use different column names for
the columns containing the relevant data. Usually you will find something like "Mean Red" and "BG Mean Red"
as column headers in your data file. Just check the file and/or look at the sampled data table in the
left half of the importer dialog in Robin.

I hope this helps,