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Using MapMan

P454 sequencing data. how can i make a mapman file for EST data

Dear mapman users,

I am new to mapman, do anyone have the previous experience of making mapman file with the Expressed Sequence tag(p454 sequence method), please give me some idea and the direction to make a mapman file.

Thanks in advance

RE: P454 sequencing data. how can i make a mapman file for EST data
19/05/10 09:54 em resposta a sathiyamoorthy subramaniyam.

we have set up an automated annotation pipeline that takes raw nucleotide or protein sequences
as input and creates a mapman mapping file. This is done by using manually curated mappings
as references (e.g Arabidopsis, swissprot plant proteins etc). The accuracy of the automatically
assigned mapman bins depends on the distance of the organism you are working with to our
reference species - the closer the better. If you are interested in this tool you can have a look at
the public interface here: http://mapman.gabipd.org/web/guest/mercator

The we interface does only accept small job, though - if you have more sequences you'd like to
get MapMan bins for please contact me (lohse@mpimp-golm.mpg.de) directly and i will submit
your job manually.

Best greetings,