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Using MapMan

Looking for BINs file (no subBINs) and their description

I am trying to find a file with MapMan BINs IDs and their BIN designations. All I want is major BINs not complete subBINs or further subcatagories. Please let me know where I can find this. There is one in the original MapMan paper (Thimm et.al. 2004) in Table 1 showing 35 BINs but I want to know if I can use from MapMan website and if their is any updated version.

RE: Looking for BINs file (no subBINs) and their description
12/08/03 11:38 Sukhwinder Singh Aulakhへのコメント
Dear Sukhwinder Singh Aulakh,

the complete bintree is included in every mapping file available in the MapManStore
( http://mapman.gabipd.org/web/guest/mapmanstore ). If you download the files as
text or excel table, you can directly view the tree. If you only want to have a list of
the major categories, though, you can use this one:

0 control
1 PS
2 major CHO metabolism
3 minor CHO metabolism
4 glycolysis
5 fermentation
6 gluconeogenese/ glyoxylate cycle
8 TCA / org. transformation
9 mitochondrial electron transport / ATP synthesis
10 cell wall
11 lipid metabolism
12 N-metabolism
13 amino acid metabolism
14 S-assimilation
15 metal handling
16 secondary metabolism
17 hormone metabolism
18 Co-factor and vitamine metabolism
19 tetrapyrrole synthesis
20 stress
21 redox
22 polyamine metabolism
23 nucleotide metabolism
24 Biodegradation of Xenobiotics
25 C1-metabolism
26 misc
27 RNA
28 DNA
29 protein
30 signalling
31 cell
32 micro RNA, natural antisense etc
33 development
34 transport
35 not assigned
991 Mineral Nutrition

Best greetings,