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Using MapMan

How to use Mapman?

How to use Mapman?
nu user
05:24 03/10/12
I am a newcomer in using Mapman. I have to upload a set of data and see the misregulated genes are involved in which pathway in Arabidopsis. I have the data in a .xls excel file. When I am trying to upload it it is showing some error. It is asking me to select and categorise the data which I don't understand how to deal with.
Any help in this regard will be highly appreciated.

RE: How to use Mapman?
11:55 08/10/12 כתגובה ל-Mohammad Salehin
Hi Salehin,

thanks for your interest in MapMan - As a newcomer to the software, i would advise you to
have a look at the step-by-step MapMan tutorial that is freely available from our web site:


The tutorial explains how input data should be formatted and how to proceed to analyse it
with MapMan. If, after reading the tutorial, unanswered question remain, please feel free to
post your specific problems and we'll be happy to help.


RE: How to use Mapman?
07:58 11/10/12 כתגובה ל-Marc Lohse
Thnak Marc,
I learned how to use Mapman! It was extremely helpful to analyze and make sense of some microarray data, I recently got. thanks again.