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Using MapMan

retrieve previous configuration

retrieve previous configuration
10:19 11/06/12

I have to reinstall Mapman on a new computer and i want to retrieve all the links i made in my previous installation.
I added many links in the Mapman software from my previuous computer, where could i find the configuration file that contain this links.

I use Mapman 3.5.0beta on a Windows 7 32bits system

Thanks in advance

RE: retrieve previous configuration
15:21 24/08/12 כתגובה ל-michael mazeron
Dear Michael,

I'm sorry for the late reply. You have probably solved the problem or lived with it.
For those who have the same problem:

The configuration file for MapMan is a readable file which resides in the home directory of the user.

The file is always named .ImageAnnotator.xml or .ImageAnnotator.xml.bck for the previous version.

Windows: The equivalent of the
Document And Settings
Linux: Your unix home directory.
