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brassica napus mapping

brassica napus mapping
23/03/13 21:57

We are dealing with data analysis of Brassica napus microarray. As oyu know there is no complete genome sequence available. How is it possible to creat a mapping file based on our own sequences.

I am not sure if using arabidopsis mapping is as good as Brassica mapping.

Best Regards,

RE: brassica napus mapping
10/04/13 16:11 en réponse à vaji safavi.
Hi Vaji,

if you have your own proteome or transcriptome sequence set for Brassica napus you can generate
a mapping using our mercator pipeline (http://mapman.gabipd.org/web/guest/app/mercator).

In case the set is too large for submission via the web interface please contact me and send me
the sequences via https://cryptshare.mpg.de/index.php?lg=en

I will manually submit an annotation job to the annotation pipeline.
