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Using MapMan

mapman identifier

mapman identifier
01/10/22 20:09
Hi to all,
I am using Map-Man for analyzing my proteomic data (LC-MS data of Daucus carrota). The results of my LC-MS project is as an excel sheet getting from a proteome discover software, and the database used for identifying the peptides was UniProt).
For using Map-Man mapping and pathways, first I should determine specific bin-codes to my peptides, but since the peptides' ID of my data is different from the ID of mapping file of mapman, I dont know how I can convert my ID to the one that mapman used.

If you want to suggest me ID convertor of uniprot, I should say, I tried several times but since I dont know WHAT IS THE NAME OF MAPMAN ID, I wasn't successful to convert IDs.
could you please help me?
The IDs were used by MapMan mapping file is something like this: kzn11536
What kind of ID is that (according to uniprot retrieve ID mapping).


RE: mapman identifier
26/06/23 20:41 en réponse à Zahra Mirzahosseini.
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