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Rat Gene St Arrays

Rat Gene St Arrays
30/03/11 09:17
Hi there, Can I use Robin to analyse Rat gene st arrays? I have tried it but its crashes stating it does not have the correct cdf file. How can I upload it?
Thanks very much

RE: Rat Gene St Arrays
30/03/11 11:04 en réponse à Margaret Ryan.
Hi Margaret,

i am currently preparing a new release of Robin that will include fixes and also a few
new features. One of them being the option to analyse chips that are not supported
by a packaged CDF environment. You will be able to analyse any Affymetrix GeneChip
data for which you can supply a matching CDF file. These files are usually provided by
Affymetrix themselves via their website (i checked it and there's one for your rat chip).

I just tested this new feature with the sample data and the CDF file provided by Affymetrix
and it worked. Unfortunately i still have to do some testing before i can make the new release
available so i have to ask for some patience (a few days).

Please check the Robin page (http://mapman.gabipd.org/web/guest/robin) - by next week
there will be the new release available for download.

Best greetings,

RE: Rat Gene St Arrays
30/03/11 21:39 en réponse à Marc Lohse.
Thanks for that Marc. Look forward to trying it!