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How are maintenance and repair issues handled in the rented property?

Maintenance and repair issues in a rented property are typically addressed by the property management or landlord. Tenants report issues, and the responsible party arranges for necessary repairs. This ensures the property remains well-maintained and is crucial for tenant satisfaction, a factor to consider when exploring properties for sale.

RE: How are maintenance and repair issues handled in the rented property?
3/4/24 7:18 PM as a reply to Sole Move.
When dealing with property transactions involving existing tenants in Ontario, it's essential to navigate the process carefully and in accordance with the law. Seeking guidance from a legal professional, such as a real estate lawyer, is highly recommended to ensure compliance with relevant tenancy laws and regulations. This approach safeguards the rights of both tenants and parties involved in the transaction. For further details, click on the link: https://homeflippers.ca/selling-or-buying-a-tenanted-property-in-ontario/

RE: How are maintenance and repair issues handled in the rented property?
5/13/24 12:01 AM as a reply to Sole Move.
Looking sell your house fast in Calgary , then visit 5DaysSold Home Buyers today! We are reputable home buying companies in Calgary Alberta. Visit: https://5dayssold.com/

RE: How are maintenance and repair issues handled in the rented property?
5/17/24 12:02 AM as a reply to Sole Move.
Need to sell your house fast in calgary, ab? We buy houses for a fair cash price because we are cash home buyers. Contact us today! Visit: https://www.webuyhouseasis.com/