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MapMan Bugs

RE: Mapman custom mapping file containing HTML hyperlinks

For a MAPMAN custom mapping file that contains HTML links in the description file. The hover over function on a diagram renders the links correctly but they are non functional (i.e. nothing happens when you click on them). I assume the popup panel simply requires a HyperlinkListener to be registered. It would be great if this could work, as we can then link to the evidence for the mapping, or the ortholog protein it was inferred from (e.g. Uniprot protein page).

HTML is not rendered in the InfoTable at the bottom of MAPMAN, as the DefaultTableCellRenderer is a JLabel. It would be great it this could be changed to a component that recognises HTML (just for the description would do).

Matthew Hindle
Rothamsted Research

RE: Mapman custom mapping file containing HTML hyperlinks
3/25/11 9:48 AM as a reply to Matthew Hindle.
Dear Matthew,

thanks a lot for your comments and suggestions - we will work this in for
the next release of MapMan.

Best regards,