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unable to download the mapping file(excel or txt))

It is the first time to download the file(https://mapman.gabipd.org/forum?p_p_id=19&p_p_lifecycle=0&p_p_state=normal&p_p_mode=view&p_p_col_id=column-1&p_p_col_pos=1&p_p_col_count=2&_19_mbCategoryId=13075&_19_
redirect=https%3A%2F%2Fmapman.gabipd.org%2Fforum%2F-%2Fmessage_boards%2Fcategory%2F13075&_19_struts_action=%2Fmessage_boards%2Fedit_message) from the mapman store, but failed without any response. Does anybody know the reason? Thank you very much!

RE: unable to download the mapping file(excel or txt))
12/28/19 3:53 AM as a reply to Guohui Yu.
I'm having the same problem trying to download Osa_RAPDB_mapping as .txt or .xls.Any solution?

By the way, it is sad that MapMan is not up-to-date. I just can't understand how such a wonderful project was left behind. emoticon

RE: unable to download the mapping file(excel or txt))
1/15/20 9:56 AM as a reply to Yugo Lima-Melo.

You should now be able to download the .txt and .xml mapping files as normal.
