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miscellaneous group

miscellaneous group
11.11.2012 23:37
Working with affymetrix tomato data.

Miscellaneous group contains transcripts that I know they're involved in other groups present at Mapman. For example, Affymetrix ID Les.2591.1.S1_at, a glucan endo-1,3-beta glucosidase B is involved in defense response and carbohidrate metabolic process; however it's included in miscellaneous group. Most of cytochrome P450 are involved in redox process but they're included in the miscellaneous group altough there's a redox group. Is there any option to modify individual IDs and move it/them to another functional group?

RE: miscellaneous group
12.11.2012 22:23 vastaus kirjoittajalle Clara Rodriguez.
Hi Clara,

tomato should see an update soon anyway (well most anything will see a lot of activity soon).
That said P450s were a concious decisions as the redox group is more for processes like ascorbate and thiroedoxin etc that regulate general redoc status of the cell. We would then rather move specific P450s into their specific role. E.g. in synthesis/degradation of secondary compounds etc.

If you disagreed with this scheme, you can however easily modify that yourself, just open the excel or text mapping file (you can get them from ressources mapping store if you don't have it) and modify the numbers (bincode) and human readable names (binnames) there.

Best Wishes,

RE: miscellaneous group
13.11.2012 12:08 vastaus kirjoittajalle Björn Usadel.
Thank you Björn, I'll try it.
