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Using MapMan

Where can I find the manual of mapman?

Where can I find the manual of mapman?
15/01/10 7:19
I have problem in opening the link of "The Ultimate MapMan Install and Usage Guide MapManGuid.pdf * new ." on page <<http://mapman.gabipd.org/web/guest/mapman>>.

Thanks a lot!

RE: Where can I find the manual of mapman?
15/01/10 8:01 en respuesta a Taffy Wilson.
Hi Taffy,

just to isolate the problem , do you have no trouble downloading pdf files from other web pages?!
What version of browser and operating system do you use.

Did you try to right click on the link and use "save target as" or "save as" depending on the browser to store the pdf locally?!
As far as I just rechecked it works with MS InternetExplorer and Firefox to directly open the pdf with left click.
Problems can also arrive due to the configuration of the browser as they will try to automatically start adobe reader.
Another potential problem can be security systems on your system which can delay the display of the files until they are fully virus checked.
