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Move to Dallas.

Move to Dallas.
2/12/23 13:50
Hello. I have been offered a cool position in a new company. It's great, but it requires me to move to Dallas, Texas. Do you know of a company that can move all my things there inexpensively across several states?

RE: Move to Dallas.
2/12/23 13:53 en respuesta a Taras Ivan Haydamaka.
Let me congratulate on your promotion. Moving across several states is not really an easy thing to do. The main mistake is when people try to organize such a thing on their own. By handing it over to professional Movers, you won't even notice how you'll be watching TV on your couch somewhere in Dallas. This company has many years of experience! Trust me.

RE: Move to Dallas.
2/12/23 14:01 en respuesta a Rat Mouse Ratatuj.
Moving to another state is a very important step in life. I agree that only professionals can be entrusted with such a task. Thank you for the useful link. I will use it later. You were very helpful.