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Using MapMan

Using Mercator!

Using Mercator!
22.04.13 17:25
I read about Mercator tool.

I have about 133010 nucleotide sequences and I would like to batch classify
these sequences to mapman functional categories(bins). We have gene
expression data for Oats species with one experimental condition. We would
like to overlay this gene expression data onto pathways available from

I have the following questions. Please explain.

1. We have 133010 sequences in fasta format. How can I use mercator tool
for this big input file( ~ 106 Memoticon

2. What mapping file do I use for Oats species?

3. Do I have to prepare a data file with gene expression data from our

Thank you.


RE: Using Mercator!
07.06.13 14:16 als Antwort auf Priya S.
- thread continued by personal communication -