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mapping file for soybean that has transcripts and metabolites

mapping file for soybean that has transcripts and metabolites
mapping files metabolites soybean rna
31.05.11 23:06

I was wondering if there is a mapping file for soybean that has both transcript (glyma01g23450 style for RNA seq) and metabolites together. If not, is the mapping to a single bin/spot consistent among the mapping files? Thanks,


RE: mapping file for soybean that has transcripts and metabolites
06.09.11 12:01 als Antwort auf Eva Collakova.
Dear Eva,

please check back in the MapManStore - i have uploaded a new mapping for soybean that includes the


RE: mapping file for soybean that has transcripts and metabolites
01.04.15 06:11 als Antwort auf Marc Lohse.
Hi, Marc

I am very new to mapman and I just started to use it today to analyze my soybean RNA-seq data.

I have two very rookie questions.

One is that the software only allow me to submit a txt file with gene id number with up to 30, so how should I put all my differentially expressed gene id in one txt file and do the mapping? I know there must be a way.

The second question what is the format of the gene id that Gmax_109_peptide or Gmax_189 can both recognize, I tried the name "Glyma01g16140" and "Glyma.01g091300", neither of them worked. Do I really need to get the transcript name such as "Glyma.01g091300.1"? My tophat and cufflinks results don't provide those information.

Sorry for being such ignorant and I really appreciate your help.
